Concensus IDM Driver License Installation

Concensus IDM Driver License Installation

Driver License

Concensus IDM drivers are licensed with a customer and eDirectory (Identity Vault) tree specific Java JAR (java archive) file which need to be loaded into the Java JVM for the IDM engine which executes the IDM connector.

The driver licenses attached to an Autotask ticket assigned to the technical contact listed on the software subscription license agreement when the license is issued or renewed. The license zip files will appear as attachments on the Autotask ticket and may be downloaded from there. You will be issued one license per registered eDirectory tree, such as a production tree and a development tree. The tree name will be present in the name of the license zip file, along with the customer name, product name, and expiration date.

Each license jar file will be named according to the product being licensed. The jar file name may vary depending on how it was generated.

Installing or renewing a license is a matter of copying the license jar file to the IDM engine which runs the connector. Our recommendation is to put the file in the same location as the driver shim jar file, replacing any existing license files present. Once the file is copied up to the server, eDirectory must be restarted to load the updated license jar file.

NOTE:    The location for the license file will vary dependent on the version of IDM, the hosting operating system, and the options chosen during installation. Consult your IDM and eDirectory documentation for the correct path for your installation. The paths offered below are based on default selections and may not be correct. If in doubt, put the license file where the driver’s shim jar file is located.

NOTE: The license file name will vary dependent on the product and generation method.

Installation Steps

To install the license, use the following steps:

  • Windows: 

    • Unzip the file to a temporary location i.e. c:\temp

    • Copy the license jar file to the DirXML lib directory

      • IDM 3.6.1 – C:\novell\nds\lib

      • IDM 4.0 – C:\novell\identity manager\nds\lib

      • Later versions – C:\NetIQ\eDirectory\lib

      • Your location may vary

    • Restart eDirectory

  • Linux

    • Unzip the file to a temporary location i.e. /root

    • Copy the license jar file to:

      • /var/opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/dirxml/classes/

      • Your location may vary

    • Restart eDirectory (ndsd)

NOTE:    When updating your license, you must remove the old jar file from the folder prior to installing the new one. Do not rename the old jar file. It must be removed such that it is no longer within the classpath of the IDM java virtual machine. Because the Java class loader will only load a specific class definition once during its lifecycle, replacing the license jar file will not replace in the in-memory version of the previous license. Therefore, for a new license/renewed license to take effect, it is necessary to restart the IDM JVM, which is done by restarting eDirectory on the host.

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