Designer Configuration for Concensus Drivers
Don DaRe
Daniel Brent (Unlicensed)
Concensus Technologies provides IDM 4.x Designer packages for its IDM connectors. These packages are available via the web for use in IDM Designer’s online update feature. This document will describe how to add the CT repositories to Designer to utilize the online update to install and update the CT packages.
The production repository is located at:
- Production:
Adding a Repository
The procedure for adding a repository is the same for Designer on multiple platforms. The Windows version is shown in this document.
Note: Online Update configuration preferences are stored per “workspace.” If you use multiple workspaces and you wish to check for updates to CT packages in those workspaces, you’ll need to configure the repositories in each workspace. Do realize,however, that once the packages are installed in Designer by online update, they are available to be imported into projects regardless of the workspace in use. Package installation is done into Designer itself, not the workspace or project.
Launch Designer.
From the “Window” menu, select “Preferences.”
From the “Preferences” window, expand “Novell”, then “Package Manager”, then select “Online Updates” to show the configuration for online updates.
Click the “Plus” icon shown above to add a new repository. In the dialog box that appears, enter the name you’d like to use for the repository (CT Production in the example above), the URL, and click “OK.” Repeat this to add the other repository, if desired.
The above image shows both repositories added. Note that the checked boxes to the left of each repository determines whether or not the repository will be queried when checking for updated packages. If you want to add both, but do not want to see the testing versions of the CT packages, for example, simply uncheck the box next to the testing repository. Re-check the box to include it back in package update queries. Click “OK” when satisfied. The changes take effect immediately.
Updating Packages
Once the repositories have been added and checked, you can use the online update to add the CT packages to your Designer install. Note that this adds the packages to the Designer install, but not to the package catalog. You’ll need to import them into the catalog of whichever projects you want them to be a part of.
To do an online update, from within Designer, pull down the “Help” menu and select “Check for package updates”.
When there are updates available, they will be shown in the dialog box above. Expand the repository of interest to see the specific packages which are available. Note: The CT packages take advantage of common libraries and packages which are part of the normal, Novell package set. If there are updates for the Novell packages, it is recommended that you update them as well to ensure proper functioning of the CT packages. There may be a lot of packages, to see the ones relevant to your interest, you can use the filter text to reduce the number displayed. For instance, if you want only Google packages, you can use the filter “Google”.
An example showing a filter is above. It is recommended that you update all of the packages for a particular connector to ensure proper function. Select the packages you want to update into Designer and click “Yes”.
Once the packages are installed into Designer, a restart of Designer will be required. Please do so.
Adding Packages to a Catalog
Once you’ve imported the packages into Designer, they will need to be imported into the catalog of your project before they can be used.
From within your project, right click the “Package Catalog” and select “Import Package...”
Note that all of the packages which make up the driver are automatically added when the base package is added. Click OK to dismiss the summary dialog box.