G-Suite Driver Optional Dependencies Created by Michael Weaver Date: 10/09/2019 Updated: 10/09/2019 This archive contains dependencies which were previously provided with the Concensus Technologies G-Suite driver. These libraries are now typically provided with Identity Manager and should not be installed. If you encounter issues with the driver running or if directed to do so by support, these libraries may be installed/replaced to resolve the issue. Generally speaking, if these libraries are already present at the same or higher version level, do not install them. If they are installed, ensure that any previous versions of the same library are deleted. They are copied into the same location as the G-Suite driver files. It will be necessary to restart eDirectory or the remote loader instance for the libraries to be read into the JVM. Files Provided: 5970f54883b4831b24b97f1125ba27e6 *commons-codec-1.6.jar 97e7e5b135476b7d25a5ab31e1ea4922 *httpclient-4.5.5.jar 6c1963fd8ac0c40c004c9e892e0d7703 *httpcore-4.0.1.jar f3cf83b839fac92307cad542c2ded5c4 *jackson-core-2.9.6.jar 12b65438bbaf225102d0396c21236052 *jetty-6.1.26.jar 450fedce4f7f8ad3761577b10a664200 *jetty-util-6.1.26.jar